His Corpse Allegedly Refused To Leave His Barbing Saloon Where He Was Shot, Read What Happened Next

In this new year, thousands have just lost their lives in this new beginning. A lot were expectant to see a new year in peace but they have seen the evil side of life.

Last year, you would recall that a young man known as Adams Amakel Eguvwese was shot and stabbed thrice in his barbing saloon. We really didn’t understand the mystery behind this odd incident as some group of boys made their way into his office place.

Adams who is survived by his beautiful wife, boys, girls twins who were just born recently was finally laid to rest in his hometown today. In order to pay respect to the late soul, his coffin and corpse was brought to barbing saloon where he was shot to death. According to Sapele Oghenek reporters, his body was alleged to have been difficult for the undertakers to carry him for the burial proper. His corpse was however appeased before the undertakers took him to the burial place.

The killers of this man will know no rest for this bad and wicked act. What do you think about this? Share your views below and don’t forget to follow me for more interesting articles.

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