Health minister Pate lauds U.S., partners over $900 million malaria, HIV/AIDS support

Health minister Ali Pate has commended the U.S. and other partners for investing $900 million in Nigeria’s malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis programmes.

He gave the commendation on Monday in Abuja when he received John Nkengasong, the U.S. Global AIDS coordinator and special representative for Global Health Diplomacy, the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

Also among the delegation was Peter Sands, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and David Walton, U.S. Global Malaria coordinator for the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI).

According to Mr Pate, the U.S. government support about $900 million over the years is significant.

The minister said, “We appreciate the generosity of the American people and American government and other governments that contribute to the global fund because the global fund comprises seven countries, not only the United States government.”

Mr Pate said the visit symbolised the significance that the delegation places on the health and well-being of Nigerians and on Nigeria’s positioning in the global effort to improve people’s health.

The health minister, however, said financing and technical capability were not the only challenges the nation’s health sector faces.

Mr Pate said overall governance was important and that the ministry would support the vision of President Bola Tinubu to ensure the health sector is better covered, “which means that to govern health better, we have to look at the intergovernmental aspects as well as what we do as a federal government.”

Mr Pate added, “We have to do it with our development partners like yourself and others who are going to come after to serve Nigerians, to improve their health and wellbeing and have good data to tell the story of where we are going. To hold ourselves accountable and also hold you accountable, even as the source countries also called institutions accountable. That’s the pillar of governance.”

Mr Pate stated that to strengthen the platform for delivery of health services, the nation had to re-train and update standards of practice for its frontline health workers.

Mr Walton commended Nigeria for the progress made in healthcare deliverables, especially ensuring that Nigerians were protected during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that the global fund is proud to be a partner with Nigeria and the fund has a lot at stake.

Mr Walton said, “Nigeria is the country that receives more global fund investments than any other country in the world so your success is our success. We are completely united with you in the objective of saving lives, improving the health systems, improving health and well-being for people all across this country.”

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