Gunman returns To Florida murder Scene, kills reporter and a child

A man suspected of killing a woman on Wednesday in Florida returned to the scene of the crime hours later and gunned down a television reporter and a nine-year-old girl, authorities said.

Orange County Sheriff John Mina said that a 19-year-old man, Keith Melvin Moses, had been taken into custody and was believed responsible for the shootings.

The attacks occurred in Pine Hills, a suburb west of Orlando in central Florida.

A 20-year-old woman was slain there at around 11am (1600 GMT), the sheriff’s department said on Wednesday.

A team from Spectrum News 13 arrived hours later to cover the murder, Mina said at an evening news conference.

Shortly after 4pm (2100 GMT) time, Moses arrived and opened fire on a Spectrum camera operator and a reporter as they stood near their vehicle, killing the reporter and wounding the camera operator, the sheriff added.

The gunman then entered a nearby home and shot a woman and her nine-year-old daughter.

The victims were all taken to the hospital, but the girl and the Spectrum News 13 reporter died, Mina said.

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