Friends And Relatives Mourn Covenant University Graduate Who Died On The 4th Of January 2021

It is always a sad moment to mourn the loss of a young and promising young person who had a bright future ahead of him. Kingsley Chukwuebuka Nwude is a 31-year-old graduate of Covenant University. According to some of the tributes written about him, it is evident that he was a very diligent and hardworking young man.

In fact, it was recorded that as a student, he was elected as one of the prominent leaders of the student council union in Covenant University at the time.

As a graduate of International relations and affairs he furthered his education by bagging as Masters Degree in International Business and Management from Sheffield Hallam University.  Before his untimely death on the 4th of January 2021, he was the General Manager of Metalex Commodities Inc. Ebuka’s death came as a rude shock to his family members and friends, owing to the fact that he was known to be a very healthy, young and vibrant gentleman.

Following the news of his death, his family members have announced that he would be buried on the 12th of January at Gudu cemetery in Abuja.

Also, some of his relatives and friends have written their tribute to the Late Ebuka on a website that was created in his honor.

Chimmuanya Nneka Anyiwo wrote, “Ebuka nwanne Chuks!!!

This was how I would greet you whenever we met in chapel, and you would very readily respond with a bright grin and a side hug. I just opened my phone and saw a chat saying I could drop my tribute to you here. A tribute??? What happened, nwanne m? I have woken up to the worst news. How do I type this when all I see is your laugh and kindness and generosity? Rest on, Ebuuu. God knows everything, and we’ll take solace in this.May the Holy Spirit give your family the strength to bear your absence. Until the Resurrection Morning.”

Micheal Igun wrote, “This is really sad typing bro, knew you right from high school up to university and we still kept in touch after that, what a great loss. I know you in a better place now. RIP bro.”

Mrsoft wrote, “Words fail me brother. Only a month ago we spoke and looked forward to this new year, 2021. I’d not cry anymore because I know you’re in a better place. Rest on Brother. May God comfort your immediate family in this very trying time.”

Samuel Akpan wrote, “Oh Ebuka! I’m utterly shocked by your untimely demise brother. Always full of life and energy. It’s difficult to come to terms with the fact that I’ll never feel your great vibes anymore. Rest on big man.”

Kayode Oreoluwa wrote, “Ebuka, you were the real definition of a Bro. We had goodtime working together as colleagues and friends, sometimes drive to Area 11 to buy fried yam and ponmo, other times to chill and have some serious conversations. We made plans for 2021, it’s painful you had to go this soon. God bless your soul, rest well brother.”

Susan Omeiza wrote, “My darling Ebuka, This news particularly hit me hard cos we spoke on video call on Christmas Eve, new years Eve, new years day, and last Saturday. When Brume told me she heard you passed, I thought it was a prank cos I had only spoken to you on video call a few days ago. So all our plans of going to the gym and building 6 packs is all over??? You promised me amongst other things that you would register to write IELTS this February. Smh.”

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