Former Irish PM John Bruton dies after long illness

The former Taoiseach (Irish prime minister) John Bruton has died after a long illness.

In a statement, his family said the 76-year-old Fine Gael politician had died in the Mater Hospital in Dublin early on Tuesday.

“He was a good husband, a good father, and a true patriot. We will miss him greatly,” the statement said.

Mr Bruton served as taoiseach from 1994 to 1997.Mr Bruton was born in Dublin on 18 May, 1947.

He was elected to the Dáil (Irish parliament) to represent Meath in 1969.

As taoiseach he led a coalition government of Fine Gael, Labour and Democratic Left.

He was leader of Fine Gael from 1990 to 2001.

He later served as the European Union ambassador to the United States.

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