FedPoly, Bauchi dismisses two lecturers, expels 30 students

Two randy lecturers of the Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Musa Baba Abubakar and Adebusoye Michael Sunday who allegedly harassed two female students sexually have been indicted and dismissed by the Governing Council of the Polytechnic.

The Council arising from its regular meeting held on Saturday through the early morning of Sunday approved the immediate dismissal from its services of the two lecturers of the institution who were accused of involvement in sexual harassment of two female students as reported by the School management.

The affected lecturers are Musa Baba Abubakar of the General Studies Department and Adebusoye Michael Sunday of Nutrition and Dietetics Development who were found culpable by the various investigative committees instituted by the Institution since the cases were reported.

While briefing Journalists on Sunday after the regular meeting of the Council held at the Council Conference hall on Saturday presided over by the Chairman, Barr. Isaac Abbot Ogbobula, the Rector, Arch Sunusi Waziri Gumau explained that the Council studied the reports of the various committees before arriving at the final decision on the cases.

He said that the delay in arriving at the decision was not deliberate as insinuated by a section of the media saying that, “we don’t have anything to hide, we only followed due process in accordance with the extant laws of the Institution. I wonder what the hue was all about in the media”.

Sunusi Gumau further said that, “We set up various committees as soon as we received the formal complaints from the victims to ensure that justice was done. We have presented our findings to the Governing Council which during its regular meeting, approved the immediate dismissal of the affected staff”.

He added that, “they will be served with their letters of dismissal by Monday morning, the institution will copy the relevant security agencies and other concerned authorities. With that, the matter has been put to final rest as far as the Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi is concerned, they seized to be staff of the institution forthwith”.

The Rector also said that 30 students have been expelled from the Polytechnic for various offences ranging from exams malpractices and falsification of results to gain admission into the various programs of the institution.

He explained that 16 students were expelled for falsification of their certification which were used to gain admitted into the institution saying that thorough investigation was carried out to ascertain the claims of the affected students while 14 others were found guilty of indulging in examination malpractices.

The Rector said that the affected students were tried and found guilty by the Academic Board of the Polytechnic and was presented to the Governing Council for note taking because it was purely the responsibility of the Academic Board to do that.

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