Father of dead Chrisland School student demands justice

The father of a 12-year-old student of Chrisland School Lagos, Whitney Adeniran, who slumped during the school’s inter-house sport games.

Whitney died on Thursday, February 9 after she slumped at the Agege Stadium venue of the school’s games.

Micheal Adeniran, in a viral social media post, demanded justice for the death of his daughter. He maintained that his daughter was healthy and without any sickness or condition when she left home for the event on Thursday.

He said the school management refused to inform his wife who was present at the event and she only got to find out about the incident after a teacher told her that her daughter “slumped.”

Mr Adeniran said his wife called to inform him that their daughter had slumped and was rushed to a hospital for treatment.

He added that his daughter was taken to a health centre instead of a hospital and his wife was informed by the nurse at the facility that their daughter had “died.”

“I asked questions about what happened to my daughter and the school authority could not get me any information as to what happened to my child in their care,” Mr Adeniran said.

“I gave Chrisland school a healthy, vibrant young girl. What Chrisland returned to me is a dead child. My entire family is in deep sorrow but the school authorities claim they know nothing about my daughter’s death and all they know is that my daughter slumped and died.”

While reacting to the accusation in a statement issued on Sunday, Chrisland School management said they had informed her parents on January 20 that their daughter had complained about her health and she was taken home by her father for proper health care.

The school said on the day of the incident, “Whitney slumped in public view and not under any hidden circumstances whatsoever.”

It added that she was taken to the nearest medical facility where the doctor on duty “administered oxygen and every aid possible on her.”

Chrisland management demanded that an autopsy be performed on the body before her burial.

“Even as her family made funeral plans for an immediate burial, we differed politely and reiterated the need to establish a scientific verification of the underlying cause of death as mandatorily required in circumstances like this.

“We immediately notified regulatory stakeholders and agencies to allow for a comprehensive evaluation and assessment of the developments,” the statement said.

“In spite of the compelling imperatives to fill any information gaps in public space, we stopped short of making any media sensation out of this because the diseased in question was a minor and is deserving of our unqualified respect.

We also prioritised according respect to the privacy of the family and were with them consistently to mourn together.”

Benjamin Hundeyin, the police spokesperson for the state said the case is being investigated by the State Criminal Investigation Department and an autopsy will be carried out on the deceased to know the cause of her untimely death.

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