Evangelist drags Adamawa pastor to court over fake marriage promise

A lady evangelist, Kanye Tumba has dragged the Pastor of House Chapel in Karewa, Yola North local government area of Adamawa, Marwa Tumba, to court over an alleged fake marriage promise.

The evangelist told the Criminal Area Court II, Yola, presided over by Magistrate Nuhu Musa Garta that she met the man of God after a prayer meeting at Yolde Pate, the suburb of Yola South LGA in 2019.

She said the pastor claimed that he saw in a vision that they would get married and asked her to start sowing a seed.”

The evangelist told the court that she resigned from work and sold her house for N500,000 as dictated by the pastor, adding that she gave part of the proceeds to his church

Tumba also demanded the list of all items required for traditional marriage, and asked the woman to go to her parent house in Michika for a formal introduction and marriage arrangement.

He stopped picking the evangelist’s calls and absconded thereafter.

She expressed sadness at her present situation, saying the pastor squandered her money, made her quit her job, and sold her only house.

The woman told the court she currently lives in one uncompleted building in Yolde Pate and sells vegetables to earn a living.

However, the pastor denied the allegations.

The court adjourned the matter till February 4.

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