Daddy Freeze tells women never marry a man who acquires a car for his mother before wife

Controversial Nigerian media personality, Daddy Freeze real name Ifedayo Olarinde has urged women never to settle for a man who has the intention of acquiring a vehicle for his mother before gifting one for his wife.

Daddy Freeze mentioned this on his Instagram platform.

The online ‘pastor’ noted that after marriage, a man’s first point of call is his immediate family which consists of his wife and kids if any.

According to the 45-year-old, if he would rather buy his mom a car instead of his pregnant wife then, such a man isn’t a marriage material.

The broadcaster also backed up his assertion with a couple of scriptures to further give it credence.

He shared a post with his photo and write-up side-by-side.

The write-up reads:

“Dear Nigerian women….Before you marry, ask your husband to be (with style just to pick his brain), “when we marry, who would you buy a car for first, me or your mum?’

Any man who wants his pregnant wife to trek while his mum drives, is in my humble opinion, far from marriage material.”

The accompanying caption for the post reads:

1st Timothy 5:8 instructs believers to take care of their immediate households first, your mum is your extended family, your wife and kids are your immediate household; they come first!”

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