Customs boss pledges to partner media for effective service delivery

The acting comptroller-general of customs, Wale Adeniyi, says he will remain committed to partnering the media for effective service delivery.

Mr. Adeniyi in a statement by spokesman Abdullahi Maiwada on Monday, said the media was critical to implementing the customs mandate.

According to the statement, the Customs boss made this known when he met with Nigeria Guild of Editors, Zone A spokespersons, Zone A customs area controllers and journalists in Lagos.

He said the service would require the support and guidance of the media to consolidate the progress made in trade facilitation, revenue collection and other areas of its mandate.

“In over 10 years, customs has made some progress. We have broken several grounds on information communication technology, human resource development and revenue generation,” the statement explained.

“In the next few years, we will be building and consolidating on those grounds and hoping that there are some areas where we will deploy innovative solutions.

”The Nigeria Guild of Editors president, Eze Anaba, said the guild would be committed to collaborating with the service, adding that communication was important to achieving the service’s mandate.

“Your coming on board is a refreshing development, and I am sure we will enjoy much interaction,” stated Mr Anaba.

“Some people say they are afraid of the media, but the truth is that if there is no communication, there will be miscommunication.”

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