Shoppers on Oxford Street in London

London will move into England’s highest tier of coronavirus restrictions from 00:01 GMT on Wednesday, MPs have been told.

Parts of Essex and Hertfordshire are also reported to be entering tier three.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock is expected to make a statement in the Commons shortly.

The tier three restrictions would see pubs and restaurants closed except for takeaway and delivery services.

MPs, reported to have been briefed on the plans by Mr Hancock, said a sharp rise in cases meant the health secretary was unable to wait until the next scheduled review of England’s three-tier system on Wednesday.

They added that the next review would be on 23 December – a week sooner than the government’s previous commitment to review the restrictions every 14 days.

One MP said they were told that cases are doubling every seven days in the capital.

Mr Hancock is expected to use his statement to outline the financial support available to the tier three areas.

It follows warnings from London Mayor Sadiq Khan that tier three restrictions could have a “catastrophic consequence” for hospitality, culture and some retail.

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