Court sends Ilorin ‘yahoo boy’ to prison over love scam

A 34-year-old graduate, Kelvin Isioma Monye, was on Monday February 15, 2021 sentenced to six months imprisonment by Justice Mahmood Abdulgafar of the Kwara State High Court sitting in Ilorin, having found him guilty of offences bordering on romance scam.

Monye, a graduate of Agricultural Science, was arraigned on a two-count charge by the Ilorin Zonal Office of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

His problem started on January 12, 2021 when some concerned residents of Tanke area in Ilorin petitioned the Commission over the activities of some internet fraudsters around the neighbourhood. A statement by head, media and publicity of the EFCC, Wilson Uwujaren, said Investigations into the petition led to his arrest.

Particulars of count 2 of the charge read:”That you, Kelvin Isioma Monye (alias: Hassan George), sometime in the month of June 2018, in Ilorin within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, did cheat by personation, by portraying yourself as a white male named Hassan via your email address to one Louise Evan and induced her to send you $1000 in gift cards, a representation you knew to be false and thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 324 of the Penal Code Law.”

He pleaded ‘guilty’ to the two counts.

While reviewing the facts of the case, Olasode Olumide, an operative of the EFCC told the court that Monye was arrested on January 13, 2021.

“He was profiled and in the process an iPhone 6 and a Sony Laptop were recovered from him”, Olumide said.

The witness said several fraudulent documents were printed out from Monye’s email address in the presence of his lawyer. He stated that further findings showed that the defendant was a Nigerian, but claimed to be an American citizen.

The witness, however, informed the court that the defendant in the course of investigation brought a draft of N460,000 as restitution of his crime”

In his judgment, Justice Abdulgafar convicted and sentenced Monye to three months imprisonment on each of the two counts, adding that the sentences would run concurrently.

The judge, in addition ordered that the iPhone 6 and Sony Laptop which were used as instruments of the crime be forfeited to the Federal Government of Nigeria, including the sum of N460,000 which he restituted .

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