Biden vows to block Iran’s access to nuclear weapons

US President Joe Biden, has vowed that his country will block Iran’s access to acquiring nuclear weapons.

Biden made the promise while conveying his unwavering support for Israel’s security and also committed to deepening the cooperation between the two countries during a meeting with his Israeli counterpart, Reuven Rivlin.

During their meeting at the White House on Monday, the two leaders discussed extensively on “the many challenges facing the region, including the threat posed by Iran,” according to an official release.

The statement added that Biden emphasized that under his administration, Iran will never get a nuclear weapon.

He also assured President Rivlin that the US remains determined to counter Iran’s malign activity and support for terrorist proxies, which have destabilizing consequences for the region,” the statement said.

The US President also assured Rivlin that opportunities to enhance peace and stability in the Middle East region would be pursued with great vigour, expressing his strong support for the normalization of relations between Israel and other countries in the Arab and Muslim world.

Other topics of discussion between Biden and Rivlin included the recent developments in Gaza and the West Bank; to support greater economic opportunities for the Palestinian people; the importance of enhancing efforts to strengthen moderate voices; and promoting the cause of coexistence while weakening extremists who advocate for hatred and violence.

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