Atiku will unify Nigeria in 2023 – Dokpesi

The Chairman of Daar Communications, Raymond Dokpesi, said on Thursday former Vice President Atiku Abubakar would unite Nigeria if elected as the country’s leader in 2023.

Dokpesi, a Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chieftain, stated this at a stakeholders’ meeting in Adamawa.

He decried the poor state of the country under the President Muhammadu Buhari administration.

The politician had in October last year declared that no presidential candidate from Southern Nigeria would win the 2023 presidential election.

He said: “Now that 2023 is approaching again. Now that the economy of the country has totally collapsed, and our children cannot find employment, let us work together to heal the wounds.

It is very glaring that we need somebody who is a unifier, who is very sound, who has business acumen, who himself has investment and wealth of experience and wherewithal to be able to properly lead the country out of its present quagmire like Atiku.

“The country has never been disunited as we have it today, both on religious and ethnic lines. Our economy is in shambles. We have not borrowed as much money externally and locally as we have experienced in the last six or seven years of the All Progressives Congress (APC)-led Federal Government.

“What we have under the Buhari administration is a Nigeria that is flowing with the blood of our children. The banditry and insecurity that is available is one which is unprecedented.”

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