Another suspected cultist shot dead in Rivers

Another person has been killed in a renewed cult clash between rival cult gangs in Awkuzu/Lumbumber Street, Mile 1, Diobu, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

It was gathered that the killing followed the battle for supremacy and territorial control by suspected factions of the D12 and BS of Deygbam cult groups.

The latest killing which occurred on Sunday night, April 23, comes a few days after a similar clash led to the death of one Asari, along Ekwe/Ikwerre road, Mile 3, Diobu.

It was gathered that residents scampered for safety due to the ear-splitting sound of guns, and many remained indoors in order not to be hit by a stray bullet.

Spokesperson for the State Police Command, SP Grace Iringe-Koko, who confirmed the incident on Monday April 24, said the killing, which was cult-related, was one too many.

“The Command is aware. I think it is still related to the battle of supremacy by these cult groups. We have commenced investigation into the incident to ensure that the perpetrators are apprehended and meant to face the law.” the PPRO added.

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