Anambra police assure residents of adequate security during yuletide

Anambra police command has reassured the residents and visitors of the state of their safety during the yuletide.

The commissioner of police, Aderemi Adeoye, said this in an interview with journalists in Awka on Saturday.

Mr Adeoye urged members of the public to report any security challenges in any part of the state to the police station nearest to them for prompt response and advised that nobody should engage in jungle justice.

The CP had declared the festive period as special working days for all officers and men in the command.

He expressed confidence in the officers of the command as nothing has dislodged their abilities in security matters.

Mr Adeoye tasked police officers not to relent in efforts to secure the state.

He said that any person or persons trying to sabotage the security capability of the command will be dealt with.

The police chief said, “The police have launched an intensive manhunt for armed insurgents who infiltrated from a neighbouring state and killed two Police Personnel on 28th December 2023 at about 6.30 p.m.

“The gang, disguised in camouflage and seemed to be on a kidnap mission, shot two police officers who had moved ahead of the convoy they were escorting to decongest traffic gridlock.

“Other police personnel returned fire, careful not to hit innocent motorists who were in the traffic gridlock, forcing the bandits to flee,” he said.

The police-led mobile Forward Operating Base (FOB), which had been on intensive patrol of the entire area throughout Christmas Celebrations, promptly responded to the situation.

“Police recovered a Lexus SUV the gang operated with and defused an improvised explosive device found in the vehicle. They also recovered an AK-47 Rifle belonging to one of the slain personnel.”

The CP said, “This is an assurance to everyone that the police are determined to provide security and safety to the people and enjoined all to be at peace in doing their legitimate functions,” he said.

He urged officers of the command not to be demoralised by the death of officers in action but to draw inspiration from their bravery in confronting the criminal gangs.

Mr Adeoye, however, condoled with the families of the deceased officers and the Enugu State police command and vowed that the officers would not die in vain.

He urged all officers and men of the Anambra State police command to redouble their efforts and remain vigilant.

“We are confident that with modern technology, all forms of criminality would be tracked down and unpatriotic persons put in check,” he assured

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