I am sure you remember the great fashion designer that died some days ago, Pierre Cardin. The renowned French fashion designer Pierre Cardin has been buried at a private ceremony in Paris.

Cardin – who died on Tuesday at the age of 98 – was laid to rest at the city’s Montmartre Ceremony.
The black coffin was adorned with a sword of his own design, the blade resembling a pair of scissors intertwined with the eye of a needle, a thimble and a spool of thread.
He was interred with his former partner Andre Oliver, who died in 1993.
Born Pietro Costante Cardin in 1922, the Italian moved to France as a child and became a naturalised citizen.
During his more than 70-year career he revolutionised fashion, helping to usher in a “golden age” of couture after World War Two with his modern style.