2023: APC vows to take over Delta

The All Progressive Congress (APC) in Delta State has declared it’s readiness to win future electons in the state, beginning with the March 6, 2021 local government elections.

The party said it was now poised more than even before to sack the ruling People Democratic Party (PDP) from Government House, Asaba in the 2023 general election.

Chairman of the state caretaker committee of the party, Prophet Jones Ode Erue made the declarations while inaugurating the State Non-Working Committee, State Working Committee (SWC) and the 25 local government caretaker committees in Asaba.

Erue said the APC in Delta State is now more united, adding that with the successful inauguration of the party organs, APC has totally reconciled all aggrieved members to work in one accord.

He declared that were no more factions or tendencies that hitherto pursued narrow and selfish in past, which had accounted for the party’s poor electoral fortunes in the past.

“We are all united now to take over the governance of Delta State from the corrupt and decadent hands of the PDP led by Governor Ifeanyi Okowa,” he said.

The chairman tasked the inaugurated caretaker committees for the 25 local governments to take the message of total reconciliation to the grassroots in order to have a more harmonious and cohesive platform to defeat the PDP.

He however admitted that reconciliation was not a tea party, and charged party faithfuls to reach compromises and be ready to shift ground in the interest of APC in Delta State.

Erue urged the local government executives to go back to their various localities and inaugurate caretaker committees for the different wards.

He further tasked the grassroots leaders to ensure that the membership strength of the party is increased by over 100% in the forthcoming national revalidation exercise.

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